Saturday, September 22, 2007

Best Chest Exercise For Lean Rock Hard Chest

Best Chest Exercise For Lean Rock Hard Chest

Use this best chest exercise to get awesome, lean and rock hard chest muscle. Well, it is not any fancy machine move or some new scientific move. This exercise is made up of several old fashion bodybuilding chest exercises stacked up. It is called the chest giant set.

The concept of this giant set is to hit the chest muscle with compound exercise first and then down to an easier exercise and then to an even easier one and finally to a body weight chest exercise. This way, we can really burn the chest muscle like crazy.

This best chest exercise giant set is made up of incline bench press, flat dumbbell chest press, chest cable crossover and the dips. The incline bench press is the toughest of the lot which kills the upper chest, front shoulders, and triceps. Then the flat dumbbells work the middle chest, front shoulders and triceps, the cable crossover works the inner chest and the dips works the lower chest, front shoulders and triceps.

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