Monday, October 30, 2006

Skipping For Weight Loss

Why rope skipping?

People looking to lose weight are always interested in exercising. It’s practically inevitable: if you’re trying to get rid of that spare tire, sooner or later you are going to have to start doing some exercises in order to burn off the extra calories.

While taking herbal pills, such as the excellent ProShaperx, to start the weight loss process is a good idea; calories will still refuse to burn themselves off. This means that some effort is required on your part.

Most people go to gyms or start running in the park. These are good options. Gyms always have professional trainers on hand that can help a beginner to plan his routines and can recommend exercises. Running in the park, on the other hand, is a fine way to build stamina and keep the cardiovascular system in shape. And so are rope skipping, jogging and bicycle riding. Whereas going to the gym costs money, cardiovascular training is cheap. I was going to say that cardio is free, but you still have to buy a bike, some sport clothes or a skipping rope.

Rope skipping is something everybody can do in their spare time. It’s a simple and fun exercise and once you got the hand of it, you’re bound to like it. People who’ve never skipped a rope tend to say: “That looks like a complex exercise. What if my feet get tangled I that rope?”. Believe me, it’s not complicated at all. If you can pop a ProShaperx pill in your mouth, then you can certainly skip the rope. It doesn’t take any brains at all, just a bit of muscular coordination.

The numbers don’t lie. Rope skipping for ten minutes is the equivalent of running a mile in eight minutes. So, if you think the park is too far or too populated with unsavory characters, you can skip the rope in your home or backyard. Thirty minutes of this type of exercise are as good for your heart and weight loss effort as running a couple of miles. One hour of rope skipping will rid you of 1,300, which is not bad at all for something that only requires a piece of rope and some free time.

Rope skipping also does a better job protecting your joints. It certainly is easier on the knee joints than running because both legs handle the impact of each jump, simultaneously. And unlike jogging, jumping rope is also good for your arms. The shoulders get a really good workout from keeping that rope in motion. It’s no wonder boxers and wrestlers do a lot of rope skipping, since it works wonders for their footwork while at the same time helping them stay in shape.

So, to wrap it up, rope skipping is a fun and efficient way of losing weight. Combine it with other exercises that can be performed at home and make sure you get at least 30 minutes of workout per day. Taking ProShaperx is a very good idea, but the pills cannot help people who don’t watch their food intake and refuse to exercise. If you keep a positive outlook, exercise and stay off fast food and sodas, results won’t be long coming.

Combine rope skipping with this awesome weight-training program for surefire weight loss!

"Metabolic Surge - Rapid Fat Loss" is targeted to the person who is already training hard and looking to maximize muscle while burning tremendous amounts of fat. The program is designed to boost your metabolism and work with the hormones in your body to burn fat while keeping and even building muscle.
You can read more about this groundbreaking book by Clicking here.
cause of bloating

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Cause Of Bloating

Eliminate Stomach Bloating And Get A Leaner Abs By Identifying The Cause Of Bloating

What’s the cause of bloating? Well, its actually sulphur-bearing gases that stretch the abdomen wall and passes it comfortable elastic limit. This will make you feel bloated and sometimes causes discomfort and pain. Well, there is no reason to be alarmed; you can get rid of these bloating scenarios if we just find out what really causes bloating.

Bloating is also sometimes caused by age. This is probably due to the fact that our bodies produce less lactase as we age. Lactase is the enzyme responsible for the digestion of lactose. With reduced formation of lactase, undigested lactose ferments will form gases and when these gases are trapped in the stomach, it will make your stomach bloat. Hence, the lack of lactase production in our bodies is also another cause of bloating.

Since lactose intolerant is one of the causes of bloating, one should consider avoiding dairy foods because dairy foods contain lots of lactose. Choose non-lactose milk instead if you need dairy to supply your calcium intake.

If you suddenly increase your intake of vegetables, the fiber from those vegetables can also cause bloating in the stomach. Do not suddenly increase your intake of vegetables, fruits and beans. These are great foods but increase your consumption slowly and regularly. Remember, too much of a good thing will make it bad. Similarly, consuming too much beans and protein will also make your stomach bloat.

One more culprit of stomach bloating is taking too much carbonated drinks. There is a lot of gas in these drinks and this will make you bloated easily. Drink plain water instead. Plain water has no calories and can hydrate you effectively.

Following some of the above tips can reduce stomach bloating.

Cause of bloating is due to bad eating habits too, eliminate stomach bloating by getting on a healthy diet!

More Free Weight Loss Tips At

"Metabolic Surge - Rapid Fat Loss" is targeted to the person who is already training hard and looking to maximize muscle while burning tremendous amounts of fat. The program is designed to boost your metabolism and work with the hormones in your body to burn fat while keeping and even building muscle.
You can read more about this groundbreaking book by Clicking Here

Cause Of Bloating

Eliminate Stomach Bloating And Get A Leaner Abs By Identifying The Cause Of Bloating

What’s the cause of bloating? Well, its actually sulphur-bearing gases that stretch the abdomen wall and passes it comfortable elastic limit. This will make you feel bloated and sometimes causes discomfort and pain. Well, there is no reason to be alarmed; you can get rid of these bloating scenarios if we just find out what really causes bloating.

Bloating is also sometimes caused by age. This is probably due to the fact that our bodies produce less lactase as we age. Lactase is the enzyme responsible for the digestion of lactose. With reduced formation of lactase, undigested lactose ferments will form gases and when these gases are trapped in the stomach, it will make your stomach bloat. Hence, the lack of lactase production in our bodies is also another cause of bloating.

Since lactose intolerant is one of the causes of bloating, one should consider avoiding dairy foods because dairy foods contain lots of lactose. Choose non-lactose milk instead if you need dairy to supply your calcium intake.

If you suddenly increase your intake of vegetables, the fiber from those vegetables can also cause bloating in the stomach. Do not suddenly increase your intake of vegetables, fruits and beans. These are great foods but increase your consumption slowly and regularly. Remember, too much of a good thing will make it bad. Similarly, consuming too much beans and protein will also make your stomach bloat.

One more culprit of stomach bloating is taking too much carbonated drinks. There is a lot of gas in these drinks and this will make you bloated easily. Drink plain water instead. Plain water has no calories and can hydrate you effectively.

Following some of the above tips can reduce stomach bloating.

More Free Weight Loss Tips At

Monday, October 23, 2006

New Updates for women fitness!

Weight Training Program For Women

Weight training program for women does not really differ far from men weight training program. Many women and even men, including male personal trainers thought that weight training for women have to be really different like doing high repetitions, light weights and using machines instead of hardcore free weights.

That entire concept is wrong. There is nothing wrong with women using lightweights and high repetitions, but it’s definitely wrong that women avoid heavy hardcore free weights.

More in Weight Training Program For Women in

Friday, October 13, 2006

Weight Loss Stretch Marks

Weight Loss Stretch Marks

Weight loss stretch marks is one of the most common problems faced by individuals that have been overweight for a long period of time and then followed by a sudden weight loss. Pregnant women also have these problems. Having stretch marks is very frustrating because you can’t show off your body after your major weight loss success!

What actually causes these stretch marks?

Stretch marks are caused by over stretching of the skin, which disturbs the production of collagen resulting in a depressed white scar. It usually starts out as red lines and then later on to white. It usually occurs in the areas, which stores the fat most, for men are the chest and abdomen, and for women, abdomen, and thighs and sometimes at the triceps.

Weight loss stretch marks usually happen when weight loss is too fast which results in not giving enough time for the body to slowly adjust to the changes in the body. Quite often you see some guys with a very nice built but then the physique is slightly crippled by those stretch marks.

The problem is that these weight loss stretch marks is very difficult to get rid of. It doesn’t mean that if you do one thousand abs crunches, you can lose stretch marks in your abdomen. Stretch marks are actually caused by broken connection fibers within the skin and further exercising it cannot eliminate it.

The treatment is usually by surgery but it should always be the last resort. Some people have reduced the appearance of the weight loss stretch marks by sunbathing.

Here are some more tips on reducing weight loss stretch marks

Weight Loss Stretch Marks