Sunday, September 24, 2006

Steps to lose belly fat

Looking for steps to lose belly fat? Well, here are some tips and tricks that you can use to lose that gut. Not everyone wants a washboard abs but if you just want to trim down some inches around the waist and get a flatter stomach, these tips can help you.

Belly fat seems to be a huge problem for lots of people, especially men. Naturally, men tend to hold more fat around their waist line, which we call love handles. Besides the biologically nature of men, modern lifestyle also have a huge impact on this. Work, stress, entertaining clients and lack of exercise contribute to the accumulation of belly fat.

Well, lets not get into the cause of obesity and weight gain but rather focus on some solutions that you can take to lose belly fat.

Lose belly fat step 1

Decrease that alcohol consumption. I am sure that most people know that alcohol can cause weight gain, but I am certain that they do not know the degree of impact that alcohol can cause. Excess alcohol consumption can really give you that belly. Have you seen people that are slim all over but have a belly sticking out? Well, that is effect of excess alcohol consumption. One gram of alcohol, which is can be calculated as one ml of alcohol contains 7 calories. Even thought the amount of calories is lesser than of fat, alcohol calories are completely useless. Alcohol does not contain any nutrients at all. So, the entire amount of calories consumed through alcohol will be stored as fat!

Alcohol is also in the form of liquid. That means, you can really consume a lot at one sitting! I am not saying that you should avoid alcohol totally, just go for moderation. Do not drink everyday and limit your self to one glass of wine or one bottle of beer.

Continue to step 3

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Cortisol and weight loss

Cortisol and weight loss

Cortisol And Weight Loss: What is the connection?

When you are reading this article, there is a high chance that you have been told that your have gain weight and the reason for that weight gain is due to cortisol. Well, it’s true that cortisol may affect your weight gain and it may be also some other reasons. Before we make any conclusion, lets take a look a short glimpse on what cortisol is and what roles does it play in our body.

Cortisol is actually a very important hormone in our body that is involved in many functions like the metabolism of glucose, it regulates the blood pressure, release insulin, keeps the immune function at check, and also inflammatory response.

But cortisol is most likely to be tied with stress because it’s the hormone that is also secreted when our body is involved during a flight and fight response. Now, that is a good thing actually, for short term of course. It helps our body to release sugar to provide energy instantly, quick reaction and a sudden burst of energy. These are responses needed when we subjected to stress.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

How can I lose weight? Get your answer here!

How can I lose weight?

Weight issues are one of the main issues haunting people now days. Many people are getting fatter and this arises many health issues like obesity, heart disease, high blood pressure and high cholesterol levels. Basically, as technology advances, our health drops too because people are getting lazier and loads of delicious food being developed. More and more entertainment is being introduced making humans; especially teenagers stay indoors and neglected outdoor activities.

Yes, people have start realizing this issue but there are many barriers that prevent the majority from starting and adhering their weight loss programs and exercise routines, for example work, time and injuries. Here is a mini guide to help individuals that have issues that prevent them from exercising.

How can I lose weight?

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

abdominal weight loss!!

abdominal weight loss

The abdomen is the common place where fats pile on. The other common areas for women are in the back thighs and triceps and men in the chest. Unfortunately, accumulation of fats in these areas makes dressing unattractive, so now, more and more people are getting aware of weight gain and are finding for solutions to that problem.

Come and read more on abdominal weight loss as well as other weight loss tips!!

abdominal weight loss

Monday, September 04, 2006

walking for weight loss

Walking For Weight Loss. Who Says Walking Cant help You Lose Fat!

Who says you can lose weight by walking? Most people think that by losing weight you have to go through hardcore cardio workouts like sprinting, speed climbing on the stairmaster or really huffing and puffing on the rower. Many people overlooked the cardio exercise that everybody in the world is doing with or without realizing, that is walking.

Get more info right here...

Walking For Weight Loss. Who Says Walking Cant help You Lose Fat!