Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Best Way To Lose Body Fat

Best Way To Lose Body Fat

What is the best way to lose body fat? Weight training? Cardio? Dieting? Using fat burners or fat loss machines and gadgets?

Body fat works on an extremely stealth way. It creeps up your body and settle down comfortably without you knowing about it, then one day you might wake up and have a shock of your life when you look into the mirror.
It is normal sometimes to gain 2 to 4 kilograms without you knowing about it. Do not panic! Just make sure you do something about it and lose that body fat especially belly fat before it becomes stubborn fat, you will be fine.

Well, there are many ways to lose body fat. For example, you can get on a fat loss diet like South Beach diet, Atkins diet or Zone diet or you can on a weight loss program that uses exercise and dieting together. The whole idea of losing body fat is no play around the calories in calories out equation. As long as you consume fewer calories than you burn, you will lose body fat. But sometimes you end up losing muscle mass, which we do not want.

Best Way To Lose Body Fat

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