Thursday, August 16, 2007

Quick Weight Loss Diets Makes You Fatter!

  • Quick Weight Loss Diets Makes You Fatter!

    Quick weight loss diets are very popular now days. A lot of people choose to eat freely and uncontrollable and until they hit one stage where they feel disgusted about themselves, they will quickly search for a quick fix and be on a strict fad diet and try to lose 20 pounds in a month. Little do they know, these quick weight loss gimmicks might make the fatter in the long term. Well, that is not always the case but it is a common case.

    There are many quick weight loss diets out there, the commons ones are high protein diets, low carb diets, zero calorie diets and many others. They do make you lose weight very fast, sometimes up to 2 kilograms a week. Some people will even resort to taking fat loss pills like appetite suppressants in order to really minimize their calorie intake. As a result, they will look totally gorgeous in matter of weeks.

    Want to read more? Go to

  • Quick Weight Loss Diets Makes You Fatter!
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