Weight loss stretch marks is one of the most common problems faced by individuals that have been overweight for a long period of time and then followed by a sudden weight loss. Pregnant women also have these problems. Having stretch marks is very frustrating because you can’t show off your body after your major weight loss success!
What actually causes these stretch marks?
Stretch marks are caused by over stretching of the skin, which disturbs the production of collagen resulting in a depressed white scar. It usually starts out as red lines and then later on to white. It usually occurs in the areas, which stores the fat most, for men are the chest and abdomen, and for women, abdomen, and thighs and sometimes at the triceps.
Weight loss stretch marks usually happen when weight loss is too fast which results in not giving enough time for the body to slowly adjust to the changes in the body. Quite often you see some guys with a very nice built but then the physique is slightly crippled by those stretch marks.
The problem is that these weight loss stretch marks is very difficult to get rid of. It doesn’t mean that if you do one thousand abs crunches, you can lose stretch marks in your abdomen. Stretch marks are actually caused by broken connection fibers within the skin and further exercising it cannot eliminate it.
The treatment is usually by surgery but it should always be the last resort. Some people have reduced the appearance of the weight loss stretch marks by sunbathing.
Here are some more tips on reducing weight loss stretch marks
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