Muscle Building Supplement
Choosing a muscle building supplement that works is indeed and daunting task. This is because the muscle building and fitness industry have grown so rapidly throughout the years! Due to this enormous burst in the industry, the demand for supplements to help individuals build muscle faster and bigger is in demand. When there is demand, there sure will be supply. Companies have come up with many different muscle building products like creatine, whey protein, weight gainers, amino acids, pro hormones and many other muscle building products. Even within one category like whey protein, you have tons of brands to choose from.
Basically, you just need a few muscle building supplements and you are well one your way to get a fabulous new body. Getting all of them is actually not a smart thing to do because it is a total waste of money and you can build good quality rock hard muscle just by using two most very important muscle building supplement which is number one, whey protein, and number two, either creatine or nitric oxide.
Whey protein is one of the most important muscle building supplement. This is because protein is the building block of muscles. Yes, you can get enough protein from natural foods but the protein from different source have different make up in its amino acid profile. Protein from natural sources is not as complete and as high quality as protein from muscle building supplement because muscle building supplement is engineered to perfection in order to help you achieve your goals. Not to mention the BV in muscle building supplements are higher compared to natural foods. BV is the measurement of how well the body absorb the consumed protein. Not only that, protein is usually destroyed during cooking due to the heat.
Getting a protein supplement as your priority and first muscle building supplement is definitely advisable. But not all the protein out there is as super and effective as the makers claim them to be. There are only 2 brands that are thoroughly recommended. This is recommend because of experience of using it as well as reviews collected.
Muscle Building Supplement 1
The first one is Optimum Nutrition. The taste is good, darn cheap, making muscle maintenance economical and practical. It contains high levels of BCAA compared to the other supplements. It is definitely worth a try!
Optimum Serious Mass, 12 Lbs., Chocolate

Muscle Building Supplement 2
Now, if you have some extra money to invest. Muscletech products is a must try. These products are really effective and can really help you kick start that muscle building process. Muscle Tech Nitrotech has really made a big impact in the fitness and bodybuilding arena. It is loaded with super high quality protein that improves nitrogen retention, protein synthesis and nitric oxide. The powder is super fine and can mix easily with water. Muscletech Nitrotech is definitely a muscle building supplement that is worth investing in. You do not have to take it for the rest of your life. Take it during your muscle building phase to help you kick start the muscle building process and switch Optimum Nutrition during your maintenance phase.
MuscleTech Nitro-Tech, 4 Lbs., Vanilla

The other muscle building supplement that you should consider besides whey protein is creatine. Creatine gives you power, strength, endurance to complete a hardcore workout and also fills up the muscle giving you that well pumped look. There are lots of creatine monohydrate products out there giving all these useless claims on how well their product works. Honestly, there is only one creatine product that is worth using and this product guarantees results.
Muscle Building Supplement 3
This product that is definitely a winner is called Muscletech Cell Tech Hardcore. It is different from other creatine products due to its advance delivery system. The other conventional creatine uses glucose to deliver the creatine but that cannot give the full absorption of the creatine to the body. Cell Tech Hardcore in the other hand uses Lipoic Tech to do the job perfectly! You do not need a few days to see results. You can see and feel the effects immediately!
MuscleTech Cell Tech, 6.7 Lbs., Grape

In conclusion, the suggested muscle building package that you should consider is the whey protein first. If you have extra cash to spend, add in the creatine. Mind you that even if you are using the best muscle building supplement in the world, you would not get results if your workout is crappy. You have make sure you workout is intense enough and hard enough. You have to go the extra mile and push the extra pounds to get those muscles working!
Muscles will only grow if you make them work harder than they have. They will then respond to the extra pressure exerted on them by growing bigger and stronger. The most mistake that newbie make is that they do not have a weight training plan. You have to have a written plan that covers you weight training, cardio workout and also your diet.
Muscle Building Supplement
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